After much back and forth between what is one of the hardest decisions a girl will probably have to make in her life time, I decided to get bangs. This is not my first experience with this seemingly cute and easy structure on my forehead. I had bangs for a majority of my college experience. That is why I can confidently say there is an intense science behind them. Short, long, full, swiped, tappered, etc.
I have been quite enjoying the new do. Getting a few complements on them. One nice gentleman told me that my "bangs are bangin". Then after a some time had past with the bangs I decided to pull them back one day (they are so versatile).
I went to the mirror to admire my hair (think Snow White's evil queen), when I noticed something that was less than fairest of them all. I spotted a stage 2 UNIBROW!
How could this have happened? I normally consider myself a pretty well groom lady. How could I let that gab between my eyes coming like my neighbors lawn? And then it dawned on me. The new hair cut was hiding my eyebrows! The vail was allowing these pesky hairs to grow unplucked without me even noticing. Sneaky eyebrows.
Shamed to have been so fooled, I took vengeance on the unibrow. Mercy less plucking. Moral of the story is, while bangs are often fun, cute and playful, don't doubt that they are hiding some scary (hairy) secrets underneath.