My dear phone finally bit the big one. It has gone to the greater place in the sky. All cell phones go to heaven. And so I would like to take a moment of silence and remember the time I shared with my beloved LG Voyager.
It didn't take long for me to move on, as I am now in a committed relationship with a new celluar device. I am a proud owner of the Blackberry Pearl Flip.
I can openly say that I love my Blackberry. I know understand why they called it a crack berry. Our first few days together we were inseparable. Blackberry and I went everywhere, always letting me know as they happen Facebook notifications, Twitter updates, BBM (Blackberry Messenger), oh and of course phone calls.
But the real story in this post is my bizzaro trip to the Verizon store.
It started out normal. I went into the Verizon store in downtown Seattle, got my name on the list to be seen by a service representative, and took a seat to wait my turn. Thats when it went down hill. As I was sitting, clearly taking up a two seated bench with my purse and bags, a man asked if I would scoot over for him to sit down. All while there was a completely open available bench just across the room. I shifted over allowing him to sit. He then began to ask me about my religion, politics, and the end of the world. And this all ties together because, according to this man, Obama wants to kill all the christians and this was the end of the world. Right.... I was just praying that they would call my name to be next! I couldn't even fake text, because I had no working phone.
Finally they called my name. I went up to the counter to purchase my new love. There at the counter was a mother (50-ish), "son" (25-ish), and a younger girl. The lady while waiting for her new phone to be programmed began to roll her own cigarettes on the counter! Seriously? I don't know much on rolling cigarettes, but I would dare to say it's not that public of an activity. Then between telling her life story about moving to Seattle from Ohio, she would turn to her, what I thought was her son, and start almost violently making out with him. This lady/family/whatever was a real work of art.
I was very glad to finally leave the Verizon shop, new phone in hand, in one living-christian-inbreed-free, piece.