Thursday, September 17, 2009

Relationship Status

I have a love/hate relationship with the "S" word.


At times the word single is independent, strong, and free. Other times the word can be one, alone, and lonely. My recent complex with the "single", is how much people judge this two syllable word. Because all of the social websites ask what your relationship status is, you are forced to define whether you are taken or up for grabs. If any of you have had relationships like mine in the past, you will agree that sometimes its not quite that black and white. Since when did a relationship only become truly official if it is in writing on someone's Facebook profile. This is like having a public DTR (define the relationship) for everyone to evaluate. I'm not complaining, just simply stating a fact. For my grandparents "going steady" meant wearing his letterman's jacket; for my generations its "In a Relationship with George Glass" on Facebook.

My current status says single, but I prefer eligible.


  1. Amen. While I'm married now, so things are a little more defined, I found it really complicated to try to figure out what was appropriate to have on Facebook. It seems silly but people look at it and make a lot out of it and sometimes a relationship isn't ready to handle that. But, enjoy the freedom of being single. It's great and it's temporary.

  2. Amen sister!! Maybe you and Heidi can share George Glass..... :)

  3. I am in j'agreeance. I'm going to contact fb asap about changing "single" to "eligible."
