Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Bachelor - Week 5

I was recently asked which one of the girls left on the Bachelor was my favortie, my response, "none?"

Date 1 - China town. I thought this date was actually pretty cute. I loved the fortune cookie part. That was just presh! I think that Tenly and him have some good chemistry. However, I feel like she talks about her ex everytime they are together or she is being interviewed. Red flag? Her voice still kind of sends me over the edge.

Date 2 - 2 on 1. First off, I thought it was hilarious when Corrie read the card as Ali and Vienna to go on the date together. Funny stuff right there. I loved the place they went to for this date. Very beautiful. I thought that Vienna was being annoying towards Gia though. I agree with the girls that sometimes she says thing that she really doesn't need to be saying. I thought it was awkward that Vienna brought up Ali at the last rose ceremony with Gia there. I just think that is a conversation to have when you are alone. Gia and him were cute when they had there alone time. Kind of seemed like school kids flirting. When Vienna went looking for them, I was just like really?! I think she is insecure. Then when she got up to go see Jake later that night, and she TOLD Gia where she was going, ummm wow Vienna. I don't know what she was trying to accomplish by pulling that stunt. And I don't think there was much accomplished, expect she learned the halls of the winery pretty well. I was dying of laughter when Jake annouced he had "dirty thoughts". Haha. Oh boy.

Date 3 - Row boats and Science Centers. I think Corrie is cute, but they just didn't really have that great of chemisty. Especially on the row boat. It all seemed a little awkward. I wasn't too surprised that she went home. I was kind of shocked she was a virgin, to be honest.

Date 4 - Home court advantage. I actually liked Ali on this date. When she is with the other girls, I don't like her, alone with Jake I do. She also drived me crazy when he was asking her about last weeks rose ceremony, she kind of denied blowing up about Vienna. When last week she was all like, "I have to tell Jake, I have to tell him about her, blah blah blah".

So Tenly, Vienna, Gia, and Ali are the final four.

What are your thoughts on this week's exciting episode of The Bachelor?


  1. I agree with you there. There's really no one I'm hoping to win, they all kind of stink.

    I also can't stand Tenley's voice. She and Jake are cute together, but her voice kills me. Not to mention the fact that she acts like a 5 year old. It bugs!

    Ali looks like a pig, and is annoying.

    Love Gia, but she and Jake dont seem to mesh as well. I'd still love to see them together. Although, on the next weeks preview, her mom looked a little scary.

    Vienna is annyoing and likeable at the same time. I think I like her because everyone else in the house hates her. She is totally awkward and too forward, but it might be fun to see the underdog win--or crash and burn. :)

  2. Dear Erin,

    I tried to send you this on Facebook. I may have, 10 times. Just in case you haven't gotten it though, here are my thoughts.

    Well, it was my first week.

    I thought Vienna and Ali (Ally? Allie?) were bitches, though I liked Ali better. I just don't like people who try to stir up drama. I think I may like Ali better if I had seen other episodes though? She doesn't seem like a person who is super dramatic- maybe they are just trying to focus on their rivalry. Vienna is a nutcase, though. Hahahaha I loved when she just crawled into bed with him. Subtle. What a freak!

    I thought Cory (haha spelling again) was OK, but a little dull.

    Tenley I liked, but I totally agree- the way she talks is super annoying! I think she might be good for him though.

    Gia I couldn't get a very good read on. So as for now, I'm still neutral there.

    But can I just say that if I were him, I wouldn't be too stoked on anyone? I feel mean saying that, but none seem too awesome to me. But, they're all super pretty except Vienna. Like a said, what a freak! hahahahhahahahaha.

    I love you. I would pick you, definitely. Let me know your thoughts. :)
